Studies in Interlinguistic
on the Adam Mickiewicz - University
Poznań (Poland)

update: June 2008

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Post-Graduate Studies in Interlinguistics



1. year                                               lect.     sem.          hours.       exam.      lecturer

Phonetics                                 L         I          10/30*     S, E     prof. J. Wells (GB), dr I. Koutny

Linguistic communication          L         I          10/30      S, E     dr I. Koutny

Esperanto culture                      L         I          10/30      S, E     dr hab. Z. Galor

Esperanto literature 1                 L         I          10/30      S, E     mgr L. Ligęza, mgr T. Chmielik


Morphology and syntax             L         II         10/30      S, E     mgr Michael Farris (USA/PL)

Esperanto grammar 1                 L         II         10/30      S, E     dr I. Koutny

Interlinguistics 1                         L         II        10/30      S, E     dr hab.V. Barandovska-Frank (DE),

                                                                                                  dr hab. Detlev Blanke (DE)

Esperanto Literature 2                 L         II        10/30      S, E     mgr L. Ligęza, T. Chmielik


2. year

Semantics and lexicology            L         III        10/30   S, E     mgr Michael Farris (USA/PL)

Esperanto grammar 2                  L         III        10/30   S, E     dr I. Koutny

Esperanto literature 3                   L         III        10/30   S, E     mgr István Ertl (HU/LU)

Interlinguistics 2                          L         III        10/30    S, E     dr hab. V. Barandovska-Frank (DE),

                                                                                                  mgr Bradio Moro (USA/PL)


Esperanto grammar 3                   L         IV        10/30   S, E     dr I. Koutny, dr hab. S. Fiedler

Pragmatics                                   L         IV        10/30   S, E     prof. Aleksander Melnikov (RU),

            dr I. Koutny

Applied linguistics                        L         IV        10/30   S, E     dr I. Koutny

Esperanto History                         L         IV        10/30   S, E     Aleksander Korĵenkov (RU),

            dr Ziko van Dijk (DE)


3. year

Modern Esperanto literature           C        V         10/30   E         I. Ertl

Modern Esperanto movement        L         VI        10/30   P        prof. H. Tonkin (USA)

Specialist lectures                          L         V-VI    20/60   E, P

Specialist seminars                         S         V-VI    20/60   S, P

according to availability

and need in:

            linguistics                    prof. K. Schubert (DE), dr hab. S. Fiedler (DE), dr I. Koutny,

         dr B. Wacha (HU)

            literature                      prof. H. Tonkin, Dr Vilmos Benczik (HU), I. Ertl, mag T. Chmielik

            interlinguistics             dr hab. D. Blanke, dr Rátkai (H), dr hab. V. Barandovska

            didactics                     dr K. Kovats (H/NL), mgr Maria Majerczak, Zs. Korody (HU)

            communication           dr hab. Z. Galor, dr I. Koutny, prof. H. Tonkin, prof. A. Melnikov (RU)

            translation                   dr Kristin Tytgat (BE), mgr István Ertl, mgr T. Chmielik



L: lecture,  C: class,  E: examination,  S: graded seminar,  P: pass/fail

* First number: number of class hours during session in Poznań




During the three year extramural program of studies, there is one session per semester (in September and February). During the intensive week-long session in Poznan there are four 10 hour courses and examinations. During the semester students working on assignments given out during the session can consult with lecturers by email and on the program's internet platform.

All courses (except those that take place during the final semester) end with an examination and students receive grades for that as well as their written assignments. In the third year there are specialized courses, the number and focus of which are organized according to the student choice. The students write a thesis from their chosen area of specialization and defend it during the final exit examinations.

Graduates of the Interlinguistic Studies program have a basic knowledge in the areas of general and applied linguistics, international and intercultural communication as well as profound knowledge in the area of planned languages as well as the culture, literature and linguistics of Esperanto. According to the area of specialization, graduates will have additional skills in the areas of linguistics, literature, communication, translation and Esperanto didactics.





Dr Ilona Koutny

Director of Interlinguistic Studies, AMU

Poznań, 2008-05-12



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